It's the first time his happened to me and I'm not too happy about it. After filing a report with the Rhinelander Police Department, there isn't much more I can do except to wait and see what happens and save up money for a new camera and lens.

Speaking of my "Photo of the Day" project, I'm not up to 177 images as of yesterday, Monday, Oct. 7, 2013. It's been a challenge some days finding something to take a photo of, but it's fun to be challenged each day by it. Getting close-ups of items that you normally don't see that close, seeing what it looks like in black and white and making sure its the right image I want to post.
Some of my favorites lately are posted below, but of all my favorites from the past couple days, the one at the top of this blog is probably my second all-time favorite since starting this project. It's just a simple autumn leaf laying on a grate walking path of a dock. All that dark stuff under is the calm water under the dock.
Enjoy and don't forget to check out my Photo of the Day project by CLICKING HERE